Services: Streambank Restoration, Sheet Pile Wall Design, Construction Administration
Project Details: Marble Falls has recently experienced severe flooding events exacerbating erosion and streambank failures along Backbone Creek and Lake Marble Falls. Miller Gray provided support for an Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWPP) grant through the USDA and NRCS. Design of nearly 2,500 lf of high bank stabilization including sheet pile bulkhead, natural limestone block wall, stream restoration and riparian plantings. Challenges included removal of invasive plant species and selecting materials and methods to withstand severe hydraulic conditions during 100-year events from the creek and completely saturated/submerged conditions from backwater during 100-year Lake/Colorado River flooding. Other challenges involve balancing need for riparian restoration with the City’s desire for recreational and manicured park use. Permitting includes LCRA, USACE Section 404, and NRCS approval. Design and permitting was accelerated and completed in 110 days. This project was awarded APWA 2022 Project of the Year for Disaster or Emergency Construction/Repair ($5-$25 Million).