
Marble Falls Raw Water Pump Station and Transmission Main

  • Client: City of Marble Falls
  • Location: Marble Falls, Texas
  • Services: Preliminary Engineering, Hydraulic Analysis, Utilities
  • Project Details:
  • The City’s existing raw water intake and pump station is located along the north bank of Lake Marble Falls (Colorado River). The station is the City’s sole source of drinking water supplying the water treatment plant. The station was damaged during an October 2018 flood requiring emergency replacement of the pump motors, backup generator, electrical equipment, and other minor repairs. The permanent solution is to relocate the pump station, water intake, and transmission main out of the 100-yr floodplain.
  • Preliminary engineering included retrofitting the existing station compared
  • to full replacement. Boundary, topographic, and tree surveys; environmental
  • assessments and permitting; and geotechnical soils investigations. Final design including hydraulic analysis, pipe sizing, electrical and mechanical design, and site improvements. Structural design of new wet well and retaining wall systems meeting FEMA floodproofing requirements. Miller Gray prepared a project manual complete with contract documents, bid forms, technical specifications, and special specifications.
  • Environmental permitting included coordination with the Texas Historical

  • Commission (THC) and receiving concurrence that the project would not require additional cultural or archaeological studies. The improvements were coordinated with the Lower Colorado River Authority.